Henrik Zinkernagel, investigador y miembro de FiloLab ha obtenido uno de los proyectos del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCINN) y la Agencia Estatal de Investigación enmarcado en el ámbito de PROYECTOS DE GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO y a actuaciones para la formación de personal investigador predoctoral asociadas a dichos proyectos, en el marco del Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023. El proyecto lleva por título «Aesthetics, Science and Education for Sustainability» (Estética, Ciencia y Educación para la Sostenibilidad).
El Investigador Principal (IP) del proyecto y su director es Henrik Zinkernagel (Departamento de Filosofía I,UGR | FiloLab), que contará con la colaboración de Verónica Gutiérrez Alejos (Departamento de Filosofía I,UGR) y Ólafur Páll Jónsson (School of Education, University of Iceland). A continuación ofrecemos un resumen del proyecto y de sus objetivos:
«This project aims to provide new knowledge on the aesthetic dimension of science and nature, and to develop suggestions as to how this knowledge can enhance science and sustainability education (and communication) by promoting more caring attitudes towards nature among students, teachers and the public. Thematically, the project lies at the intersection between aesthetics, history and philosophy of science, philosophy of (science) education, and education for sustainability. Although the project is primarily conceptual and theoretical, it also has a practical and outreach component in that it aspires to aid fostering more sustainable values and attitudes, and in this way contribute to the United Nations sustainable development goals. The project will be developed in two related blocks: 1. Science and aesthetics; and 2. Aesthetics, education and sustainability. The first block will contain an investigation of the functions and the possible (epistemic) justification of the presence of aesthetic considerations and experiences in science. This will be done both at a general (historical and philosophical) level and examined specifically in a case study on quantum physics. The implications for philosophy of science will be examined. The second block will consist in a study of the role of aesthetics of science in environmental aesthetics for the promotion of more careful and respectful relationships towards nature. This block will also examine the implications, and possible recommendations, for science and sustainability education and communication. Overall, the initial hypothesis of the project is that aesthetics plays an important and epistemically justifiable part of science, and that the aesthetic aspects of science and nature may enhance science and sustainability education and communication».