El próximo viernes, 20 de diciembre, a las 12h, en la Sala de Juntas de Filosofía, tendrá lugar la última sesión de este año del seminario TeC-FiloLab. Nos acompañará Andrés Soria-Ruiz, investigador posdoctoral Beatriu de Pinós en la Universidad de Barcelona. A continuación tenéis el título y el resumen de la charla, así como una breve nota sobre el trabajo de Andrés.
Title: «(Not Necessarily Credible) Deniability» (joint work with Bianca Cepollaro & Dan López de Sa)
Abstract: ‘Deniability’ denotes a phenomenon whereby a speaker who has uttered a sentence that carries an inference i can deny having intended to communicate i. Deniability appears most clearly in cases of insinuation, such as when a speeding driver tries to bribe a police officer by saying: ‘Is there any way we can settle this right now?’. In this talk, we explore the concept of deniability, and in particular its ‘plausible’ and ‘implausible’ incarnations. Our purpose is mainly negative: We argue against various recent definitions of ‘(im-)plausible deniability’, and specifically we target factualist theories, according to which a speaker has deniability relative to having meant i just in case their audience responds in certain ways. We finish by sketching an alternative, normative view of deniability.
I am currently a postdoc researcher (Beatriu de Pinós) at LOGOS, University of Barcelona (September 2022-).
I work on philosophy of language, formal linguistics and metaethics. Here are some papers.
In 2019 I obtained a PhD in Philosophy at the Institute Jean Nicod (PSL–ENS–CNRS, Paris), under the supervision of Isidora Stojanovic. You can get my dissertation here.
I have an MA in Logic and Philosophy of Science from the University of Santiago de Compostela, and an MA in Philosophy from NYU. I did my undergrad in Philosophy in Granada (which is where I’m from). Here’s my CV.
I am an associated member of the research group PHILA, the philosophy of language and argumentation branch of ArgLab, the Argumentation lab at IFILNOVA (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), where I worked between 2019 and 2022. In 2021-2, I was employed as part of the CHIST-ERA project ANTIDOTE. I am also a member of ‘Filosofía y Análisis‘ (HUM-975), based in the University of Granada.