Workshop: «Shared Responsibilities for a New Social Contract»
Workshop 2: Shared Responsibilities for a New Social Contract Date: May 7th, 2021 Hour: 11:00 – 14:00 Europe Central Time. Convener: Pedro Francés-Gómez Session will be held over Zoom. For access to the virtual room and further information, please contact the convener: pfg@ugr.es or marcon4@ugr.es Workshop sponsored by the Research Group BENEB3 “A New Social Contract” (funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy, grant FFI2017-87953R). Program 11:00 – Welcome. Introductions. 11:10 – 11:50 – Rafael Cejudo-Córdoba (University of Córdoba): “Shared responsibility for global culture” 11:50-12:00 – break. 12:00 – 12:50 – Giacomo Degli Antoni (University of Parma) & Marco Faillo (University of Trento): “Shared social responsibility and market surplus division: evidence from an experimental market.” 12:50 – 13:30 – César González Cantón (CUNEF Business School Madrid): “Shared responsibilities to counter subject’s willingness to subject” 13:30 –…