
Currently he has three periods (until Feb. 2020) of 5 years on teaching activity (3 quinquenios docentes) recognized by the University of Granada. Within the Telematics Engineering Area of the Department of Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications he is currently teaching at the School of Computer and Telecommunications Engineerings of the University of Granada:

Director of M.Sc. Thesis / Bachelor Thesis

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), P. Yanguas-Sierra, “Usage of cryptographic chips in LoRaWAN and their application in IoT environments,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada. On development.
    author = {Pablo Yanguas-Sierra},
    title = {Usage of cryptographic chips in LoRaWAN and their application in IoT environments},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    note = {On development.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), R. Orihuela-Romero, “LoRaWAN services orchestration,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada. Co-directed with Natalia Chinchilla-Romero. On development.
    author = {Ruben Orihuela-Romero},
    title = {LoRaWAN services orchestration},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    note = {Co-directed with Natalia Chinchilla-Romero. On development.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), F. J. Canizares-Cancho, “Development of a control system for an exploration robot for low coverage areas,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada. Co-directed with Juan J. Ramos-Munoz. On development.
    author = {Francisco Javier Canizares-Cancho},
    title = {Development of a control system for an exploration robot for low coverage areas},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan J. Ramos-Munoz. On development.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), V. Roman-Garcia, “Usage of a LoRaWAN device as an IP interface for a CPE,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada. Co-directed with Natalia Chinchilla-Romero. On development.
    author = {Victor Roman-Garcia},
    title = {Usage of a LoRaWAN device as an IP interface for a CPE},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    note = {Co-directed with Natalia Chinchilla-Romero. On development.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), J. G. Garcia-Valdecasas-Mendoza, “Integration of LoRaWAN and 5G networks,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2024. Co-directed with Felix Delgado-Ferro. Link
    author = {Juan Guillermo Garcia-Valdecasas-Mendoza},
    title = {Integration of LoRaWAN and 5G networks},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2024,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2024_TFG_JuanGuillermoGarciaValdecasasMendoza.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Felix Delgado-Ferro.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), A. Marin-Munuera, “5G experimentation by means of UAVs,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2024. Co-directed with Juan J. Ramos-Munoz. Link
    author = {Angel Marin-Munuera},
    title = {5G experimentation by means of UAVs},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2024,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2024_TFG_AngelMarinMunuera.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan J. Ramos-Munoz.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), A. Oliver-Boada, “Configuration and usage of MPTCP in mobile devices,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2023. Co-directed with Felix Delgado-Ferro. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark. Link
    author = {Alejandra Oliver-Boada},
    title = {Configuration and usage of MPTCP in mobile devices},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2023,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2023_TFG_AlejandraOliverBoada.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Felix Delgado-Ferro. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), A. Gomez-Hurtado, “Synchonization on 5G networks: end-device,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2023. Co-directed with Lorena Chinchilla-Romero. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark. Link
    author = {Angel Gomez-Hurtado},
    title = {Synchonization on 5G networks: end-device},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2023,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2023_TFG_AngelGomezHurtado.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Lorena Chinchilla-Romero. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), J. Jimenez-Gonzalez, “Configuration and performance assessment of 4G/5G networks,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2023. Co-directed with Felix Delgado-Ferro. Link
    author = {Javier Jimenez-Gonzalez},
    title = {Configuration and performance assessment of 4G/5G networks},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2023,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2023_TFG_JavierJimenezGonzalez.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Felix Delgado-Ferro.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), F. Tejero-Rodriguez, “Multimedia transmission over LoRa,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2022. Co-directed with Natalia Chinchilla-Romero. Link
    author = {Fernando Tejero-Rodriguez},
    title = {Multimedia transmission over LoRa},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2022,
    month = 11,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2022_TFG_FernandoTejeroRodriguez.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Natalia Chinchilla-Romero.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), F. Delgado-Ferro, “Configuration and performance assessment of 4G/5G networks,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2022. This thesis obtained the maximum possible mark. Link
    author = {Felix Delgado-Ferro},
    title = {Configuration and performance assessment of 4G/5G networks},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2022,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2022_TFM_FelixDelgadoFerro.pdf},
    note = {This thesis obtained the maximum possible mark.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), M. Torres-Antunez, “Network slicing for the radio access network in LoRaWAN,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2022. Link
    author = {Martin Torres-Antunez},
    title = {Network slicing for the radio access network in LoRaWAN},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2022,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2022_TFG_MartinTorresAntunez.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), G. Jimenez-Molero, “Design, Implementation and Deployment of a network service using containers,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada. Co-directed with Juan J. Ramos-Munoz. On development.
    author = {Gonzalo Jimenez-Molero},
    title = {Design, Implementation and Deployment of a network service using containers},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan J. Ramos-Munoz. On development.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), P. Roas-Domingo, “Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for LoRaWAN devices,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2021. Link
    author = {Pablo Roas-Domingo},
    title = {Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for LoRaWAN devices},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2021,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2021_TFM_PabloRoasDomingo.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), R. Cortes-Nunez, “MQTT optimization for LoRaWAN networks,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2021. Link
    author = {Ricardo Cortes-Nunez},
    title = {MQTT optimization for LoRaWAN networks},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2021,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2021_TFG_RicardoCortesNuñez.pdf}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), N. Chinchilla-Romero, “Improving LoRaWAN networks performance,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2021. Link
    author = {Natalia Chinchilla-Romero},
    title = {Improving LoRaWAN networks performance},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2021,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2021_TFM_NataliaChinchillaRomero.pdf}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), A. Garcia-Soria, “Design and implementation of an environment for network services in virtualized infrastructures,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2020. Co-directed with J.J. Ramos-Munoz. Link
    author = {Alejandro Garcia-Soria},
    title = {Design and implementation of an environment for network services in virtualized infrastructures},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2020,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2020_TFM_AlejandroGarciaSoria.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with J.J. Ramos-Munoz.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), F. Delgado-Ferro, “System to interconnect members of an emergency team in scenarios without coverage,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2020. Co-directed with J.J. Ramos-Munoz. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark and was granted the first position in the 8th edition of the B.Sc. Thesis Awards of the Dpt. Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada in the category of Telematics Engineering. In addition, it was granted the second position (“accesit”) in the Ingenio Awards 2020 from the Andalusian Official Association of B.Sc. Telecommunications Engineers. Link
    author = {Felix Delgado-Ferro},
    title = {System to interconnect members of an emergency team in scenarios without coverage},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2020,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2020_TFG_FelixDelgadoFerro.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with J.J. Ramos-Munoz. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark and was granted the first position in the 8th edition of the B.Sc. Thesis Awards of the Dpt. Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada in the category of Telematics Engineering. In addition, it was granted the second position (“accesit”) in the Ingenio Awards 2020 from the Andalusian Official Association of B.Sc. Telecommunications Engineers.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), M. Diez-Galiano, “4G mobile network emulation using OpenAirInterface,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2020. Link
    author = {Manuel Diez-Galiano},
    title = {4G mobile network emulation using OpenAirInterface},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2020,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2020_TFG_ManuelDiezGaliano.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), A. Arco-Castillo, “Design and implementation of an SDN-based broker-less MQTT system,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2019. Link
    author = {Alvaro Arco-Castillo},
    title = {Design and implementation of an SDN-based broker-less MQTT system},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2019,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2019_TFG_AlvaroArcoCastillo.pdf}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), P. Romero-Diaz, “Capacity optimization on LoRa networks,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2019. Co-directed with Sandra Sendra. Link
    author = {Pablo Romero-Diaz},
    title = {Capacity optimization on LoRa networks},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2019,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2019_TFM_PabloRomero.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Sandra Sendra.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), A. Guzman-Martinez, “Network slicing based on SDN,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2019. Link
    author = {Angel Guzman-Martinez},
    title = {Network slicing based on SDN},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2019,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2019_TFM_AngelGuzman.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), J. Elvira-del-Castillo, “Traffic and QoE analysis for Skype,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2019. Link
    author = {Julio Elvira-del-Castillo},
    title = {Traffic and QoE analysis for Skype},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2019,
    month = 6,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2019_TFG_JulioElviradelCastillo.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), N. Chinchilla-Romero, “Security improvement for LoRaWAN Networks,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2019. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark and was granted the first position in the 7th edition of the B.Sc. Thesis Awards of the Dpt. Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada in the category of Telematics Engineering. Link
    author = {Natalia Chinchilla-Romero},
    title = {Security improvement for LoRaWAN Networks},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2019,
    month = 6,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2019_TFG_NataliaChinchillaRomero.pdf},
    note = {This thesis obtained the highest possible mark and was granted the first position in the 7th edition of the B.Sc. Thesis Awards of the Dpt. Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada in the category of Telematics Engineering.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), A. Toledo-Juan, “Design and deployment of virtual network functions (VNFs),” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2018. Link
    author = {Alejandro Toledo-Juan},
    title = {Design and deployment of virtual network functions (VNFs)},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2018,
    month = 11,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2018_TFG_AlejandroToledoJuan.pdf}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), F. J. Frere-Quintero, “Orchestration of virtual network functions,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2018. Co-directed with Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz. Link
    author = {Freddy Javier Frere-Quintero},
    title = {Orchestration of virtual network functions},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2018,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2018_TFM_FreddyJavierFrereQuintero.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), M. Sanchez-Lopez, “Automatized deployment of a microservices infrastructure,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2018. Link
    author = {Manuel Sanchez-Lopez},
    title = {Automatized deployment of a microservices infrastructure},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2018,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2018_TFM_ManuelSanchezLopez.pdf}

  • M.Sc. thesis ({M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering.} year = 2018), J. C. Angulo-Santos, “Tool to import the CVN to the SICA platform,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada. Link
    author = {Juan Carlos Angulo-Santos},
    title = {Tool to import the CVN to the SICA platform},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering.}
    year = 2018,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2018_TFM_JuanCarlosAnguloSantos.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Computer Science Engineering), M. Fernandez-Gomez, “Testing and improvement of a system for wireless presentation of teaching material,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2018.
    author = {Mario Fernandez-Gomez},
    title = {Testing and improvement of a system for wireless presentation of teaching material},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Computer Science Engineering},
    year = 2018,
    month = 9

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), P. J. Villalba-Guzman, “Design and implementation of an IoT device for children safety,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2018. Link
    author = {Pablo Juan Villalba-Guzman},
    title = {Design and implementation of an IoT device for children safety},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2018,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2018_TFG_PabloVillalbaGuzman.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), G. Montalban-Tirado, “Fleet management,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2018. Co-directed with Sandra Sendra. Link
    author = {Gonzalo Montalban-Tirado},
    title = {Fleet management},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2018,
    month = 6,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2018_TFG_GonzaloMontalbanTirado.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Sandra Sendra.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), F. Garcia-Espigares, “Prototype of a 4G base station using OpenAirInterface,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. Co-directed with Jose C. Segura-Luna. Link
    author = {Francisco Garcia-Espigares},
    title = {Prototype of a 4G base station using OpenAirInterface},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_FranciscoGarciaEspigares.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Jose C. Segura-Luna.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), J. Suarez-Varela-Macia, “Design of a flow monitoring solution for OpenFlow Software-Defined Networks,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. Co-directed with Peret Barlet Ros. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark. Link
    author = {Jose Suarez-Varela-Macia},
    title = {Design of a flow monitoring solution for OpenFlow Software-Defined Networks},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFM_JoseSuarezVarela.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Peret Barlet Ros. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), C. Senes-Romo, “Analysis of Skype traffic and objective/subjective evaluation for different network conditions,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark. Link
    author = {Cesar Senes-Romo},
    title = {Analysis of Skype traffic and objective/subjective evaluation for different network conditions},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_CesarSenesRomo.pdf},
    note = {This thesis obtained the highest possible mark.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), R. Gonzalez-Callejas, “Implementation of mobility on 5G networks using Software-Defined Networking,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. Co-directed with Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz. Link
    author = {Rafael Gonzalez-Callejas},
    title = {Implementation of mobility on 5G networks using Software-Defined Networking},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_RafaelGonzalezCallejas.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), P. Gongora-Luque, “Evaluation of PIM-SSM on SDN environments,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. Link
    author = {Pablo Gongora-Luque},
    title = {Evaluation of PIM-SSM on SDN environments},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_PabloGongoraLuque.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), A. Mayas-Becerro, “Design and implementation of devices for monitoring energy consumption in domestic environments,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. Link
    author = {Alvaro Mayas-Becerro},
    title = {Design and implementation of devices for monitoring energy consumption in domestic environments},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_AlvaroMayasBecerro.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), A. Garcia-Soria, “Domotic platform based on Raspberry Pi and MQTT protocol,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. Link
    author = {Alejandro Garcia-Soria},
    title = {Domotic platform based on Raspberry Pi and MQTT protocol},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_AlejandroGarciaSoria.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), J. Castillo-Izquierdo, “Design and implementation of a low cost IoT device for agricultural environments,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. Link
    author = {Jesus Castillo-Izquierdo},
    title = {Design and implementation of a low cost IoT device for agricultural environments},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 6,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_JesusCastilloIzquierdo.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), J. Gomez-Molino, “Design and implementation of a low cost IoT device for aquatic environments,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. Link
    author = {Jesus Gomez-Molino},
    title = {Design and implementation of a low cost IoT device for aquatic environments},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 6,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_JesusGomezMolino.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), R. Fernandez-Gualda, “Design and implementation of a low-cost IoT sensor for infrared communications in a domestic environment,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. Link
    author = {Ramon Fernandez-Gualda},
    title = {Design and implementation of a low-cost IoT sensor for infrared communications in a domestic environment},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 6,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_RamonFernandezGualda.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), A. Guzman-Martinez, “LoRaWAN gateway and IoT low-cost mote prototype,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2017. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark. Link
    author = {Angel Guzman-Martinez},
    title = {LoRaWAN gateway and IoT low-cost mote prototype},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2017,
    month = 6,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2017_TFG_AngelGuzmanMartinez.pdf},
    note = {This thesis obtained the highest possible mark.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), R. Jimenez-Sanchez, “Content Distribution Networks (CDN) based on Software Defined Networking (SDN),” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2016. Link
    author = {Roberto Jimenez-Sanchez},
    title = {Content Distribution Networks (CDN) based on Software Defined Networking (SDN)},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2016,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2016_TFM_RobertoJimenez.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), J. A. Exposito-Arenas, “SDN controllers federation with DDS,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2016. Co-directed with Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler. Link
    author = {Jose Angel Exposito-Arenas},
    title = {SDN controllers federation with DDS},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2016,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2016_TFG_JoseAngelExpositoArenas.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), C. Santamaria-Espinosa, “Multicast protocols in SDN networks,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2016. Co-directed with Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler. Link
    author = {Carlos Santamaria-Espinosa},
    title = {Multicast protocols in SDN networks},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2016,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2016_TFG_CarlosSantamariaEspinosa.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), M. Sanchez-Lopez, “Analysis of SDN networks using Mininet and implementation of a Deep Packet Inspector,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2016. Link
    author = {Manuel Sanchez-Lopez},
    title = {Analysis of SDN networks using Mininet and implementation of a Deep Packet Inspector},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2016,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2015_TFG_ManuelSanchez.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), B. Valera-Muros, “Implementation of a wide area network using Software-Defined NetworkingX,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2016. Co-directed with Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz. This degree thesis was granted the second position in the 4th edition of the B.Sc. Thesis Awards of the Dpt. Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada in the category of Telematics Engineering. Link
    author = {Barbara Valera-Muros},
    title = {Implementation of a wide area network using Software-Defined NetworkingX},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2016,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2016_TFG_BarbaraValeraMuros.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan Jose Ramos-Munoz. This degree thesis was granted the second position in the 4th edition of the B.Sc. Thesis Awards of the Dpt. Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada in the category of Telematics Engineering.}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), I. Herrera-Lopez, “Implementation of a client application for Chromecast,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2015. This M.Sc. thesis has obtained the second position in the 3rd edition of M.Sc. Thesis of the Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications Dpt. of the University of Granada in the area of Telematics Engineering. Link
    author = {Irene Herrera-Lopez},
    title = {Implementation of a client application for Chromecast},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2015,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2015_TFG_IreneHerrera.pdf},
    note = {This M.Sc. thesis has obtained the second position in the 3rd edition of M.Sc. Thesis of the Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications Dpt. of the University of Granada in the area of Telematics Engineering.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), A. Gonzalez-Garrido, “Prototype of a GSM base station using OpenBTS,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2015. Co-directed with José Carlos Segura-Luna. Link
    author = {Alejandro Gonzalez-Garrido},
    title = {Prototype of a GSM base station using OpenBTS},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2015,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2015_PFC_AlejandroGonzalez.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with José Carlos Segura-Luna.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), M. Rowsell, “Robots management platform based on Raspberry Pi,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2015. Link
    author = {Mark Rowsell},
    title = {Robots management platform based on Raspberry Pi},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2015,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2015_PFC_MarkRowsell.pdf}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), D. Escudero-Brocal, “MATLAB implementation of a planning tool for WiFi networks in indoor environments,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2014. Link
    author = {Daniel Escudero-Brocal},
    title = {MATLAB implementation of a planning tool for WiFi networks in indoor environments},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2014,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2014_PFC_DanielEscudero.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), J. R. Suarez-Varela-Maciá, “Android application development to quantify the Quality of Experience over YouTube videos,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2014. Link
    author = {Jose Rafael Suarez-Varela-Maciá},
    title = {Android application development to quantify the Quality of Experience over YouTube videos},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2014,
    month = 9,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2014_TFG_JoseSuarezVarela.pdf}

  • Bachelor thesis (degree on Telecommunications Engineering), J. R. Gutierrez-Martinez, “Service for teaching material projection based on Raspberry Pi,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2014. Ingenio 2014 Awards finalist. Link
    author = {Juan Ramón Gutierrez-Martinez},
    title = {Service for teaching material projection based on Raspberry Pi},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {Bachelor thesis},
    degree = {degree on Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2014,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2014_TFG_JuanRamonGutierrez.pdf},
    note = {Ingenio 2014 Awards finalist.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), A. M. Lopez-Perez, “Femtocell deployment in multioperator environments over TV White Spaces,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2013. This master thesis was granted the first position in the 2nd edition of the Master Thesis Awards of the Dpt. Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada in the category of Telematics Engineering. Link
    author = {Ana Maria Lopez-Perez},
    title = {Femtocell deployment in multioperator environments over TV White Spaces},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2013,
    month = 12,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2013_PFC_AnaLopez.pdf},
    note = {This master thesis was granted the first position in the 2nd edition of the Master Thesis Awards of the Dpt. Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada in the category of Telematics Engineering.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), L. Cano-Perez, “802.11n networks configuration and performance evaluation,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2012. Link
    author = {Luis Cano-Perez},
    title = {802.11n networks configuration and performance evaluation},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2012,
    month = 12,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2012_PFC_LuisCano.pdf}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), J. M. Recuerda-Hueso, “IP routing protocols in mobile devices for creating MANETs (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks),” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2012. Link
    author = {Jose Manuel Recuerda-Hueso},
    title = {IP routing protocols in mobile devices for creating MANETs (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks)},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2012,
    month = 1,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2012_PFC_JoseManuelPerezHueso.pdf}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), J. Perez-Recuerda, “VoIP P2P (Peer-to-Peer) client on mobile devices,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2012. Link
    author = {Jesus Perez-Recuerda},
    title = {VoIP P2P (Peer-to-Peer) client on mobile devices},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2012,
    month = 1,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2012_PFC_JesusRecuerdaHueso.pdf}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), I. Ucar-Marques, “Video tester,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2011. Co-directed with Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark. Finalist of the ONO award given by the Spanish Official Association of Telecommunications Engineers. It also obtained the “Highly Commended Award” in the category of MSc. Thesis with Best Business Perspectives in ICT from the Higher Technical School of Computer Science and Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Granada. Link
    author = {Iñaki Ucar-Marques},
    title = {Video tester},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2011,
    month = 6,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2011_PFC_InakiUcar.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler. This thesis obtained the highest possible mark. Finalist of the ONO award given by the Spanish Official Association of Telecommunications Engineers. It also obtained the “Highly Commended Award” in the category of MSc. Thesis with Best Business Perspectives in ICT from the Higher Technical School of Computer Science and Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Granada.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), A. Sanchez-Navarro, “VoIP tester,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2010. Co-directed with Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler. Defended in December 20th, 2010. Source code available: http://sl.ugr.es/voipt. Press communications: Secretaría General de la UGR, Canal UGR, Canal Sur, Ideal, Granada Hoy, La Opinión de Granada, EuropaPress, 20minutos, ABC hoyTecnología, RadioGranada SER, Gente, El Economista, Qué es!, Diario Illora, etc. Link
    author = {Antonio Sanchez-Navarro},
    title = {VoIP tester},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2010,
    month = 12,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2010_PFC_AntonioSanchez.pdf},
    note = {Co-directed with Juan Manuel Lopez-Soler. Defended in December 20th, 2010. Source code available: http://sl.ugr.es/voipt. Press communications: Secretaría General de la UGR, Canal UGR, Canal Sur, Ideal, Granada Hoy, La Opinión de Granada, EuropaPress, 20minutos, ABC hoyTecnología, RadioGranada SER, Gente, El Economista, Qué es!, Diario Illora, etc.}

  • M.Sc. thesis (M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering), J. A. Rodriguez-Salas, “Resource management for real time services in Wireless Local Area Networks,” Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada, 2009. Link
    author = {Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Salas},
    title = {Resource management for real time services in Wireless Local Area Networks},
    school = {Higher Technical School of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Granada},
    type = {M.Sc. thesis},
    degree = {M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering},
    year = 2009,
    month = 7,
    url = {https://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/thesis/2009_PFC_JoseAntonioRodriguez.pdf}

Teaching publications


  • Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications: An approach to ICT Engineering through Degree and MSc Theses, courses 16/17, 17/18, 18/19, 19/20, L. Garcia-Martinez and J. Navarro-Ortiz, 2021, ISBN 9788409275410, teaching. Link
    title = {Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications: An approach to ICT Engineering through Degree and MSc Theses, courses 16/17, 17/18, 18/19, 19/20},
    year = {2021},
    editor = {Garcia-Martinez, Luz and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge},
    month = feb,
    isbn = {9788409275410},
    url = {http://tstc.ugr.es/pages/descargas/librotfc/librovol4/!},
    pages = {1-294},
    note = {teaching}

  • Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications: A perspective of the Degrees and M.Sc.s through Degree and MSc Theses, course 15/16, L. Garcia-Martinez and J. Navarro-Ortiz, 2018, ISBN 9788409037117, teaching. Link
    title = {Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications: A perspective of the Degrees and M.Sc.s through Degree and MSc Theses, course 15/16},
    year = {2018},
    editor = {Garcia-Martinez, Luz and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge},
    month = jul,
    isbn = {9788409037117},
    url = {http://tstc.ugr.es/pages/descargas/librotfc/librovol3/!},
    pages = {1-120},
    note = {teaching}

  • Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications: An approach to knowledge through degree and master thesis, course 14/15, L. Garcia-Martinez and J. Navarro-Ortiz, 2016, ISBN 9788461754496, teaching. Link
    title = {Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications: An approach to knowledge through degree and master thesis, course 14/15},
    year = {2016},
    editor = {Garcia-Martinez, Luz and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge},
    month = oct,
    isbn = {9788461754496},
    url = {http://tstc.ugr.es/pages/descargas/librotfc/libro_vol2/!},
    pages = {1-120},
    note = {teaching}

  • Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications: A field overview through Master and Degree Thesis, course 13/14, J. Navarro-Ortiz and L. Garcia-Martinez, 2014, ISBN 9788461732395, teaching. Link
    title = {Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications: A field overview through Master and Degree Thesis, course 13/14},
    year = {2014},
    editor = {Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge and Garcia-Martinez, Luz},
    month = nov,
    isbn = {9788461732395},
    url = {http://tstc.ugr.es/pages/descargas/librotfc/libro_pfcv100/!},
    pages = {1-96},
    note = {teaching}

Book chapters:

  • J. Camacho Páez, P. Padilla de la Torre, G. Maciá Fernández, J. Navarro-Ortiz, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, and F. J. Salcedo Campos, “Consolidación y extensión de buenas prácticas docentes – Mejora de los métodos docentes y del aprendizaje y provechamiento del alumno en el laboratorio de prácticas,” in Innovación docente y buenas prácticas en la Universidad de Granada. Vol. 2, Universidad de Granada, 2013, pp. 1354-1363, ISBN 9788433855763. Link
    author = {Camacho Páez, José and Padilla de la Torre, Pablo and Maciá Fernández, Gabriel and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge and Ramos-Munoz, Juan Jose and Salcedo Campos, Francisco Javier},
    publisher = {Universidad de Granada},
    isbn = {9788433855763},
    title = {Consolidación y extensión de buenas prácticas docentes - Mejora de los métodos docentes y del aprendizaje y provechamiento del alumno en el laboratorio de prácticas},
    booktitle = {Innovación docente y buenas prácticas en la Universidad de Granada. Vol. 2},
    chapter = {XI},
    pages = {1354-1363},
    eprint = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/28434},
    year = {2013}


  • J. Navarro-Ortiz, S. Sendra, P. Ameigeiras, A. de la Torre, L. Garcia, A. M. Gomez, J. M. Lopez-Soler, S. Mota, P. Padilla, J. Prados-Garzon, J. Ramirez, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, A. Ruiz-Moya, and J. C. Segura, “Servicio centralizado de proyección de material docente,” in V Jornadas de Innovación Educativa at XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL 2017), 2017. Link
    @INPROCEEDINGS{jnavarro_jitel17, author={Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge and Sendra, Sandra and Ameigeiras, Pablo and de la Torre, Angel and Garcia, Luz and Gomez, Angel M. and Lopez-Soler, Juan Manuel and Mota, Sonia and Padilla, Pablo and Prados-Garzon, Jonathan and Ramirez, Javier and Ramos-Munoz, Juan Jose and Ruiz-Moya, Antonio and Segura, Jose Carlos}, booktitle={V Jornadas de Innovación Educativa at XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL 2017)}, title={Servicio centralizado de proyección de material docente}, year={2017}, url={http://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/publications/52-6508.pdf}}

  • J. Camacho, P. Padilla, A. Lietor, G. Maciá, J. Navarro-Ortiz, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, F. J. Salcedo-Campos, and F. de Toro, “Mejora del aprendizaje y aprovechamiento del alumno en el laboratorio de prácticas,” in II Jornadas de Innovación Educativa Cen Ingeniería Telemática (JIE 11), 2011. Link
    @INPROCEEDINGS{camacho_jie11, author={Camacho, Jose and Padilla, Pablo and Lietor, A. and Maciá, Gabriel and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge and Ramos-Munoz, Juan Jose and Salcedo-Campos, Francisco Javier and de Toro, Francisco}, booktitle={II Jornadas de Innovación Educativa Cen Ingeniería Telemática (JIE 11)}, title={Mejora del aprendizaje y aprovechamiento del alumno en el laboratorio de prácticas}, year={2011}, url={http://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/publications/jie11_laboratorio.pdf}}

  • J. Camacho, P. Padilla, A. Lietor, G. Maciá, J. Navarro-Ortiz, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, F. J. Salcedo-Campos, and F. de Toro, “Mejora del aprendizaje y aprovechamiento del alumno en el laboratorio de prácticas,” in II Jornadas de Innovación Docente y Adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en las Titulaciones Técnicas (INDOTEC 2011), 2011. Link
    @INPROCEEDINGS{camacho_indotech11, author={Camacho, Jose and Padilla, Pablo and Lietor, A. and Maciá, Gabriel and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge and Ramos-Munoz, Juan Jose and Salcedo-Campos, Francisco Javier and de Toro, Francisco}, booktitle={II Jornadas de Innovación Docente y Adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en las Titulaciones Técnicas (INDOTEC 2011)}, title={Mejora del aprendizaje y aprovechamiento del alumno en el laboratorio de prácticas}, year={2011}, url={http://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/publications/jitel07_laboratorio.pdf}}

  • G. Maciá, J. E. Díaz, P. García, J. M. Lopez-Soler, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, F. del Toro, P. Ameigeiras, and J. Navarro-Ortiz, “VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL 07),” in Diseño e implantación de un laboratorio para la docencia de redes telemáticas, 2007. Link
    @INPROCEEDINGS{macia_jitel07, author={Maciá, Gabriel and Díaz, Jesus E. and García, Pedro and Lopez-Soler, Juan Manuel and Ramos-Munoz, Juan Jose and del Toro, Francisco and Ameigeiras, Pablo and Navarro-Ortiz, Jorge}, booktitle={Diseño e implantación de un laboratorio para la docencia de redes telemáticas}, title={VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL 07)}, year={2007}, url={http://wpd.ugr.es/~jorgenavarro/publications/jitel07_laboratorio.pdf}}

Projects on Innovative Teaching

  • PID-2024-102, “PLAYROOM (cheaP virtuaL reAlitY fRamework fOr classrOoM),” University of Granada, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, 24/25.
    @researchproject{PID-2024-102, code={PID-2024-102}, title={PLAYROOM (cheaP virtuaL reAlitY fRamework fOr classrOoM)}, organization={University of Granada}, type={local}, author={J. J. Ramos-Munoz}, begin={24/25}, funding={1.424 €}}

  • PID-2022-147, “VALERIE (VirtuAL rEality foR teachIng Engineering),” University of Granada, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, 22/23.
    @researchproject{PID-2022-147, code={PID-2022-147}, title={VALERIE (VirtuAL rEality foR teachIng Engineering)}, organization={University of Granada}, type={local}, author={J. J. Ramos-Munoz}, begin={22/23}, funding={1.000 €}}

  • PID-2019-545, “Design and implementation of an online game as a platform for project-based learning (MATILDA: Modular Telematic Topics Related Development Platform),” University of Granada, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, 19/20-21/22.
    @researchproject{PID-2019-545, code={PID-2019-545}, title={Design and implementation of an online game as a platform for project-based learning (MATILDA: Modular Telematic Topics Related Development Platform)}, organization={University of Granada}, type={local}, author={J. J. Ramos-Munoz}, begin={19/20}, end={21/22}, funding={3.000 €}}

  • PID 2018-241, “Cibersecurity learning based on realistic training exercises,” University of Granada, G. Macia-Fernandez, 18/19-19/20.
    @researchproject{PID 2018-241, code={PID 2018-241}, title={Cibersecurity learning based on realistic training exercises}, organization={University of Granada}, type={local}, author={G. Macia-Fernandez}, begin={18/19}, end={19/20}, funding={1.000 €}}

  • PID 2014-61, “Centralized Service for Displaying Teaching Material,” University of Granada, J. Navarro-Ortiz, 14/15-15/16.
    @researchproject{PID 2014-61, code={PID 2014-61}, title={Centralized Service for Displaying Teaching Material}, organization={University of Granada}, type={local}, author={J. Navarro-Ortiz}, begin={14/15}, end={15/16}, funding={1.800 €}}

  • PID 2011-180, “Teaching Methods and Student’s Learning Improvement on the Laboratory,” University of Granada, P. Padilla, 11/12.
    @researchproject{PID 2011-180, code={PID 2011-180}, title={Teaching Methods and Student’s Learning Improvement on the Laboratory}, organization={University of Granada}, type={local}, author={P. Padilla}, begin={11/12}, funding={1.500 €}}

  • PID 2010-175, “Teaching Methods and Student’s Learning Improvement on the Laboratory,” University of Granada, J. Camacho, 10/11.
    @researchproject{PID 2010-175, code={PID 2010-175}, title={Teaching Methods and Student’s Learning Improvement on the Laboratory}, organization={University of Granada}, type={local}, author={J. Camacho}, begin={10/11}, funding={3.000 €}}

  • PID 2008-218, “Telephony system for evaluation,” University of Granada, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, 08/09.
    @researchproject{PID 2008-218, code={PID 2008-218}, title={Telephony system for evaluation}, organization={University of Granada}, type={local}, author={J. J. Ramos-Munoz}, begin={08/09}, funding={3.596 €}}

Another activities for improving teaching quality

  • Training for the Initiation on University Teaching imparted by the Vicerectorate for the Guarantee of the Quality at the University of Granada, 1st edition (course 2008 – 2009).
  • Member of the Project for Support & Training of the Novice Professors and Teaching Improvement in the academical course 09/10, titled “Mejora de la calidad docente mediante la formación del profesorado novel (Improvement of teh teaching quality by training novel professors)” at the School of Computer and Telecommunications Engineerings, whose responsible professor is Prof. Jesus E. Diaz Verdejo.

Another teaching activities: see C.V.

Teaching material (in Spanish)

The following teaching material has been originally elaborated and it is available for downloading.